Tuesday, September 11, 2018

Contour Line Shoe Drawing

Contour Line Shoe Drawing

Essential questions:

Can we use shoes a subject matter to both:
·      Develop our ability to perceive edges and boundaries and then render them as descriptive contour and cross contour lines?
·      Create a drawing the communicates more than the appearance of the shoe, encouraging viewers to look at this common object in new and interesting ways?

Good research search terms:


·      Preparation: Spend time drawing shoes from observation to become more aware of what they really look like and to practice how you might expand your vocabulary of line qualities.
·      Brainstorm and sketch multiple small versions of ideas for your drawing. Do several versions of your composition.
·      Develop your final drawing on good paper.
·      Document: At each of the initial stages (brainstorming and prototyping) document your work with a blog post that describes your thinking about this work. At several stages, document the development of your final work. Describe your thinking, problem solving, and changes of ideas as you go.

You may only use line, no shading (filling in with tones). You should explore the use of a variety of line qualities to add interest and sensitively describe aspects of your shoe or shoes. Through varying line qualities you can certainly suggest light and shade.

View slides from class presentation here

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